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Friday, March 21, 2014

Forever Lessons...wounded

I was catching up on some of my beloved blogs and Heart Choices had a link to Faith Barista (see link on bottom right side of my page) who is having Jam with me Thursdays! Each week she provides a topic for you to think over for the week. On Thursdays you post a comment as related to your faith and that particular topic.

The topic this week is wounded; an inspiration prompted by lent week.

Here is my take on this subject.

My first thought was how often Christians wound their own brothers and sisters. This is a real wound, or it was for me. So wounded, I avoided anything church for three years. One day I realized, hey! I'm the one that is really missing out and distancing myself from God. It is shocking how quickly one floats away from God's kingdom when you don't have the accountability and fellowship of fellow brothers and sisters. If you have stayed away from church for ANY reason, look at your life and determine if things have changed. What you ask? Allow me to give a list of possible slippery slopes (again this is experience).

* language - using words you wouldn't think of using before?

* jokes - caught up and laughing at the expense of others?

* company - finding yourself spending time with people that need God's word spoken into their lives but you now feel unable to share because of the choices you've made?

* windows to the soul - are your eyes seeing things they should not? TV shows, movies, news programs, reality TV or even magazines and books that expose your mind and soul to items that are breaking God's heart and tearing you away from Him?

Wounded soldiers need to go to the hospital and await treatment and healing.

This verse has really stood out to me:

Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by hin and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. Isaiah 53:4

Jesus paid the price for our mistakes and hurts. He too was hurt by his closest friends - but he still loved them and us enough to give his life so that we can be saved from our sins and live out eternity with him.

The first stop on the healing road is a one-on-one with Jesus. Allow him to hear your hurts and anger, but then allow him to talk to you. Allow yourself to forgive - what is that part in the Lord's prayer...and forgive us our trespasses AS WE forgive those who trespass against us (Matt 6:12 Common English Bible Version). You see the anger here is most likely NOT righteousness anger - not when you get past justifying your anger and sort out what is causing it, you can admit that fact - I was hurt and you need to pay! AND we are forgiven as we forgiven! He was crushed for our iniquities. Gotta forgive!

How do most people make someone "pay" for hurting them? What I see the most is passive aggressive actions. Intentionally ignoring them, saying half-truths, ranting, offering up a prayer request...all very wrong in the motive department. Maybe I'm more aware because God has been talking with me on such things - Oh mouth on my face...ZIP IT! Let's see how Jesus handled the hurt...

He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open up his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth. Isaiah 53:7

We should not allow the mouth on our face to open up and spew hate. Humble yourself before the Lord and allow him to take the hurt. Pray for the person you feel hurt you so you can see them as God sees them. One last thought on this - there is a HUGE possibility they have no clue they hurt you.

The next stop on the healing road is - back to fellowship or the hospital we go! I know... no one likes to go to the hospital, but God tells us to not forsake the assembling of yourselves together (Heb 10:25). Find a church and determine that you are sticking. It doesn't matter where you go to church in your belief, you will not agree with everything and you will have personality conflicts - this is a natural result of interacting with people.

The Christian walk is not some utopian society that you have joined - the Bible lets us know that we WILL have tribulation (John 16:33). What is tribulation? What you feel when people don't think like you think or want to do what you want to do. Tribulation can be the result of standing up for your Lord and Saviour knowing the results are going to be huge - like laughter, taunting, losing a job, or even losing a friend. Tribulation is also that time you were wounded so deeply, at church.

Wounded - it hurts, it heals, it strengthens!

Let the salve of God's love heal your wounds ~



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